Monday, April 30, 2012

My First Try at Container Gardening!

As part of my obsession of making things from scratch I started a container garden! Who knows if I will get anything from it but it's such a fun new hobby! I have four containers and I'm growing herbs, which are pretty fool proof, and trying out some vegetables. My mom and I spent our Sunday morning at Lowe's getting everything together and we are soooo proud. We started from seedlings, rather than seeds to help ensure a harvest. So far I am growing sweet basil, lemon thyme, dill, flat leaf parsley, eggplant, zucchini, tomato, jalapeno, serrano peppers, and cucumber. I want to add another container of lettuce, baby carrots, and radishes too. I have to make sure there is room for all the plants to get sun, and still allow room for Peyton's watch dog bed. He gets pretty upset when his turf is infringed upon. I get way to into these domestic things. B thinks I am going to have a farm by the time he moves home. Ya never know!!! :) Here are my planties...

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