Thursday, April 12, 2012

Parnsip and Sweet Potato Chips

I have never tried a parsnip before today. I love carrots, and parsnips look like carrots but they are white (a carrot is a parsnip with a spray tan!). I got it in my head that I wanted to try them, and in typical fashion...they were on sale, but I had no idea what to do with them! So I went my usual route and asked my mom and SHOCKER she didn't know! Way to go mom! I make sweet potato chips all the time so I figured I'd just make them that way and worst case scenario I would at least have sweet potato chips to eat. Well I'll be darned those parsnip chips were better than the sweet potato! They have a slightly spicy aftertaste that makes you want to keep shoveling them in your mouth. I planned on making my own garlic aioli with my fancy schmancy immersion blender but that little jerk wasn't charged enough and wouldn't work (after I put all the ingredients in and made a huge mess of course). Then, I used up all the lemon juice so I couldn't make my quick version of it with store bought mayo, lemon and garlic. Rough life, I know. Better luck next time. I'm sure the suspense of it all is killing you :)

Ingredients (I made this for just me so keep in mind this is just a single serving)
1/2 parsnip
1/2 sweet potato
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp paprika
1 tsp parmesan cheese

I used a mandoline slicer (pictured above) to make sure all my slices were the same thickness and would cook at the same time. If you don't have one you can use a knife but be careful about keeping the thickness uniform. If you do have a mandoline then you already know to use the safety holder if you value your fingers. It will mess you up if you are not careful. Here are my nice even slices:

As I sliced the parsnips they gave off this yummy, spicy smell that I can't describe because it's not quite like any other vegetable I have tried. Aren't they pretty? Anywayyyy....after you slice everything up coat the slices in olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder (I find fresh garlic burns up in the hot oven), paprika and parmesan cheese. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil and spray lighting with cooking spray. This will prevent sticking and keep you from having to do dishes, which I am all about. Place the coated slices onto the foiled lined baking sheet in a single layer. 

Cook the slices for 10 minutes. Keep an eye on them depending on the thickness of your slices and your preferred doneness. They will burn quickly! Flip the slices and cook an additional 5 minutes (again watch them and adjust for thickness). Once they are finished sprinkle with salt and paprika for garnish while they are still warm. I had them with ketchup because of my aioli failings I already spoke about but it was still awesome. They really don't even need a dip because they are that good. Another sneaky way to eat vegetables, yay!!! Here's the final product:


  1. Jess- such a fun blog! I have cooked with parsnips before but never considered making "chips" with them. We make sweet potato fries at least once a week, so I'll definitely add the parsnips soon. Will let you know if they are husband and kid-friendly :)

  2. Thanks Lauren! Can't wait to hear if they are hubby and kid approved! Who doesn't like chips :)

  3. Those chips , a Ravens game and an Amsdel Lite would work for the Bear

  4. I did enjoy them with a glass of Sauvignon Blanc of course! Is it football season yet!?
