Monday, April 16, 2012

Queso Dip!

The bf is finally in town this week and we have been on an eating binge! We have spent the past three days laying out at Folly Beach :) and being lazy, and I love it! The Braves game is about to start so I have some free time while Brandon obsesses. After a full day in the sun I decided to try and make some queso dip (aka cheese dip). We are fiends for this stuff. We usually go to our favorite, cheap Mexican place once a week. If you live on James Island you know what La Ha is all about. I have been wanting to replicate this for some time but had no clue where to start. I took my inspiration from because she looked like she had it down and I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel. I was skeptical about it but this was about as close as your can get to the real deal! He licked the bowl clean so I call that a success.

Ingredients (serves 2)
1/4 lb White American Cheese
1/4 cup water
1 tbsp chopped white onion
1 tbsp chopped pickled jalapeno
1 tbsp juice of pickled jalapeno
Splash of milk
Couple shakes of Hot Sauce (I used Frank's)

Here's my sous chef/bf making sure the onion and jalapeno were sufficiently diced to his liking.

Place all the ingredients into a double boiler. I do not have a double boiler. I need some new equipment desperately. I used a regular saucepan with a glass bowl on top. Whatever works. Here it is. And Brandon is still dicing.

Stir all the ingredients as they melt together. This will only take a few minutes. If it's too thick add a splash more milk or water.

Once you have reached the melty delicious stage, pour into a bowl and start shoveling. If you are sharing with a person, it's a battle. This lasted about 5 minutes.

I turned my back and this was all that remained. RIP queso. It's been real.

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