Monday, April 16, 2012

Man Pleasin' Meatloaf and Mashed 'Tatas

Continuing the food bender!! Oh my gosh we are so full. This is a go-to recipe for me. I think it's one of the first things I learned how to cook. And men love it! It's meat and cheese, so really who doesn't love it. It's also about as easy as it gets...1 bowl, 1 pan, BAM! This is the only time I have measured when I made this so feel free to improvise as needed. I don't think you can mess this up. Being the cheese freak I am I learned to stuff that baby with mozzarella a long time ago. It makes the meatloaf. I'm too full for anymore witty banter, just try it!

1 lb ground beef
1 egg
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp garlic powder
2 tbsp ketchup
1 tsp steak sauce
1 1/2 tsp parmesan cheese
5 tbsp Panko breadcrumbs
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

I forgot the steak sauce in the picture for anyone with an eagle eye!
Mix the first 11 ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. Pretty complicated, huh? I use my hands because I'm cool like that. Be careful not to overmix. This is what you are going for. I used a huge mixing bowl so this looks ridiculous but you get the point. 

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Spread the meat mixture into a foil lined pan. You want to flatten it out and add the cheese, and shape into a loaf after. See....

Fold the meat around the cheese to create the traditional loaf shape you are dying to see! Make sure you seal it up good so all the melty cheese doesn't escape into the pan. Top with some ketchup to help it get brown and gooey.

Place the meatloaf into the preheated over and let cook for 25-30 minutes. Here's the goodness when it comes out of the oven.

Pretty great but wait for it.....

AHHHHHHHHHH! How gorgeous is this?? If you know who says that then you watch a lot of Food Network. I served this up with my yummy cheddar mashed potatoes (recipe below) to drive home the cheese factor. I like to think of it as upping my calcium intake for the day.

Brandon was about to lose it by the time I got to this picture.  MEN!

The final product! Normally I would have included some form of green vegetable to at least bring color to the plate but I'm cooking for the boy so that is just unnecessary. We are keepin' it real healthy tonight.This meal was the perfect amount of food for 2 people.

Cheddar Mashed Potato Ingredients (serves 2)
1 large Russet potato, peeled and chopped into 1 inch pieces
1 tbsp butter
1/4 cup sour cream
A little under 1/4 cup milk
Salt and Pepper to taste (I like a lot)
1 tbsp minced garlic (add more or less depending on what you like)
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Add the peeled and chopped potatoes to a saucepan and cover with water. Put on the lid and allow the potatoes to come to a boil. Once the potatoes have started to boil, remove the lid and add salt to your liking. Let the potatoes boil for about 10 minutes or until fork tender. Drain the potatoes and return to pan.

With a fork gently break up the potatoes and add the butter, sour cream, milk, salt, pepper, and garlic while they are still hot. The potatoes should be just done enough that they will come together with just a fork or spatula. Once the potatoes are good and mashed sprinkle in the cheddar and taste to check your seasoning. By the time you are finished this the meatloaf should be ready to rock.


  1. Guess who's making some man pleasin' meatloaf!! I know my man is going to be pleased ;)

    Karen Perry

  2. Love it!! Send me some pics of sweet ZJ and the meatloaf :)
