Sunday, May 6, 2012

Grilled Balsamic Vegetable Sandwich

I am feeling so blessed and excited about this blog right now! I have gotten so much positive feedback and love from everyone that it brings tears to my eyes. This blog has become an amazing way for me to positively channel my feelings and ideas and also distract me from the stress of a long distance relationship. Getting a call from one of my favorite people tonight who was making one of my meals truly made my day. I can't begin to tell you how inspired I feel when I hear from friends and family about my recipes! This blog has become so much more to me then just food. I feel reconnected, reenergized, and motivated again. I wanted to share this affirmation I found that conveys how I am feeling today.

"I am ready to meet life's challenges. I choose to face each day with an open mind and a happy heart. I will not allow others to dictate my mood or my direction. I choose joy and success for my life. I love who I am and know I am getting better day by day."

Now that I have gotten the sappy stuff out of the way onto the food and witty banter. I'm watching one of my favorite trashy, guilty pleasures...Mob Wives. Oh em geeee it cracks me up. After last night's nacho fiesta of fat I decided to go a little lighter with dinner today and stick with veggies. As a former self proclaimed veggie hater for the majority of my life I can say I never would have thought I would taste, much less make and enjoy this sandwich! This recipe is versatile to whatever is seasonal and local and you can always add meat (or tofu) if you are looking for something more substantial. For tonight this was more than enough to make me feel full and healthy. Use whatever you have on hand or looks good at your farmer's market or grocery store. Told you I wasn't a complete carnivore :)

Ingredients (1 large sub)
1/2 zucchini, sliced thin, lengthwise
1/4 eggplant, sliced thin, lengthwise
1 large portobello mushroom cap, sliced thin
1/2 tomato, sliced thin
1/2 cup light balsamic vinaigrette (I used Ken's)
1/2 small whole wheat baguette
2-3 thin slices of fresh mozzarella
Salt and pepper to taste

Slice the zucchini, eggplant, and tomato vertically into thin, even slices. I use a mandoline to ensure consistent slices and even cooking times. Remove the gills of the portobello (brown underside of the mushroom) and slice into strips. 

Marinate the veggies for at least 30 minutes in the vinaigrette of your choice. I marinate the tomatoes separately because they are so delicate and I don't grill the tomatoes with the rest of the veggies. 

I grilled the veggies (minus the tomatoes) on the outdoor grill but this could also be done on a grill pan or under the broiler. I grilled over medium heat for a few minutes per side but this will depend on the thickness of your slices. Keep an eye on them because they will burn fast if they are thin.

Yeah that's right boys, I can grill with the best of 'em!

When the veggies are good and grilled remove them and throw the bread on there to get it good and charred. Once it gets slightly browned add the mozzarella and lower the heat and let it go until it starts to melt. 
 Now to put it all together! Add the grilled veggies to the bread.

Top with the fresh tomatoes and drizzle with balsamic glaze (which is just balsamic reduced with brown sugar to a syrupy consistency). I used 1 cup balsamic vinegar to 2 tbsp. brown sugar. 

Top it, slice it and eat it! This pairs well with my favorite wine ever....Cupcake Sauvignon Blanc! It's fruity, crisp, and light to accompany a fresh sandwich. Who knew a vegetable sandwich could be so satisfying!?

Veggie lovers rejoice! Veggies haters...try it!

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