Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Grilled Summer Vegetable Skewers

I believe that putting anything on a skewer makes it instantly summery and fabulous! Right now I have more tomatoes in my garden than I even know what to do with. I ate a caprese salad as a late night snack last night, for reals. Anyway, this is a method recipe so use what you like or have. I adore zucchini so I put it in just about everything. And grilling is my favorite way to eat vegetables as someone who would have rather starved than eat any in my past. I served these skewers with my Grilled Tuna and Basil Chimichurri but it's the perfect side for any cook out you might be having this summer. If you don't have a grill you can also do this under the broiler or on the grill pan. Try topping with some cheese for an extra decadent dish! Fire up the grill!

1 zucchini
2 fresh tomatoes
1/4 white or red onion
1/8 cup balsamic vinegar
Salt, Pepper & Garlic powder to taste
Drizzle of olive oil
3-4 fresh basil leaves, minced
Metal or wooden skewers (if using wood be sure to soak for atleast 30 minutes)

Heres my yummy veggies waiting for me. I cannot get over how sweet and juicy the tomatoes from my garden are. There really is such a difference in fresh, local produce.

Chop veggies into similar sized pieces. I quartered the tomatoes and onion, and chopped the zucchini in 1/2 inch rounds. Look at those colors!

Skewer your veggies however you like. I did a zucchini, tomato, onion pattern. Don't overload them or they will fall off on the grill. 

Top with fresh minced basil and drizzle with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. 

Grill for 10 minutes over medium to high heat, turning every few minutes. Basically keep an eye on them the whole time to make sure they aren't burning or escaping from the skewer. As they cook they will soften and make it more difficult to turn. 

Side note: Here is the crazy storm I was working with while I was grilling. Thank god for a covered patio!! Did I mention I love storms? And palm trees?

Remove from the grill and serve however you like! I served under my grilled tuna recipe but there are no limits to what this would work with. Sprinkle with parmesan, feta, or mozzarella for even more flavor! The chimichurri from the tuna is such an awesome condiment to spoon over the warm veggies if you love garlic. And who doesn't love garlic?

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