Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Grilled Tuna with Basil Chimichurri

My garden runneth over and I need to use it or lose it! Basil is the herb that just keeps livin' (Matthew McConaughey style). I'm not complaining but I have to start getting creative! This dish is so fresh and easy, especially for those of us trying to watch our weight. Tuna is my favorite fish ever and this chimichurri adds so much flavor. It would be great on anything! Steak, chicken, veggies...oh the options! I served this over delicious grilled, garden fresh summer veggies (recipe is on deck!). Can you think of a better no carb dinner? And since it's all on the grill you can keep your house nice and cool. Feel free to use whatever veggies you have in your garden or on sale in your grocery store this week. The chimichurri would be great on almost any meaty fish (mahi mahi sounds amazing)! Let's get cookin'!

1 yellowfin tuna steak
Salt, Pepper & Garlic powder to taste

Basil Chimichurri
1/2 cup loosely fresh packed basil
1/4 cup fresh parsley
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tbsp. red wine vingear
1 clove of garlic
1/8 tsp. red pepper flake
Salt & pepper to taste

Chop basil, parsley and garlic to a small mince.

In a bowl, combine minced basil, parsley, garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil, vinegar, and red pepper flake.

Lightly toss together.

For a finer mince, toss in the food processor and pulse a few times to combine.

Refrigerate for atleast 30 minutes to allow the flavors to mulch. 

On to the tuna! Since the chimichurri has so much flavor there isn't much you need to do to the tuna. Lightly season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Rub about 1 tbsp. of chimichurri to coat both sides of the tuna.

Preheat the grill over high heat. Grill the tuna for 2-3 minutes per side depending on how rare you like it. I like it rare! (I forgot to take a picture on the grill. My mom called and I didn't have a free hand...blame her!)

Remove the tuna from the grill and let it rest for a minute. Top with the rest of the chimichurri and serve over grilled veggies. Or whatever you are enjoying that night :)

Restaurant style if I do say so myself! It's too easy!

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