Sunday, April 22, 2012

Chipotle Salsa

This is random but whenever I think about salsa I think of that Eminem song when he keeps saying "my salsa" and it's really weird. I don't even remember what song it is I only remember that. Any who I have tried to make salsa a few times with fresh tomatoes and it just wasn't working. It was this weird pink color and didn't have a ton of flavor. This version used canned diced tomatoes and involves throwing everything in the food processor and hitting the button. Pretty foolproof. It's delicious and perfect for the person who doesn't like chunky salsa, or if you are trying to hide the ingredients for a certain someone (B I'm looking at you Mr. I Hate Vegetables). Sneaky sneaky!

1 can diced tomatoes
1/4 of a small white onion, rough chopped
1/2-1 jalapeno (remove the seeds if you don't like it too spicy)
Salt & Pepper to taste
1-2 cloves of garlic, rough chopped
1 small handful fresh parsley
1 or 2 chipotles in adobo sauce (start with 1 and add more if you still want it hotter, they have a smoky heat that creeps up on you)

Add all the ingredients in the food processor. 

Pulse to chop until you get the desire consistency. I like it to be pretty smooth like the kind you get at a mexican restaurant. 

Grab some chips and dig in! This will only get better as it sits in the fridge. I am eating it now after making it a few days ago and it's even more flavorful. Never buying salsa again! Whoop whoop!

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