Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cinco de Mayo Nachos!

Oh man this is unhealthy. So so very unhealthy. But it's Cinco de Mayo and I didn't go out so it all evens out (especially after a gym session tomorrow). Sometimes you just have to be bad. I actually wasn't planning on making anything tonight because I spent the day at the beach and was exhausted but I started missing B and decided to distract myself in the kitchen and on the blog. I am watching the UFC fight and drinking Sauvignon Blanc with the pup as I write this so I am laughing at myself the whole way. Don't hate. Back to business, I LOVE nachos. If they are on the menu I will try them. They are hard to mess up and can be dressed up a million ways. I also LOVE jalapenos. I love a lot of things I guess. But jalapenos are in every part of this recipe  so be prepared. Think of this more as a guideline for delicious nachos that you can make your own. Get creative and add what you love...pulled pork, shrimp, crab, steak, veggies, oh my I just got hungry all over again!

Cheese Sauce Ingredients
1 tbsp. butter
1 tbsp. all purpose flour
1/2 cup milk
1 1/2 cups cheddar cheese
1 tbsp. pickled jalapeno juice (just the juice from the jar of pickled jalapeno)
1/2 fresh jalapeno, diced, keep seeds for heat (or just use diced, pickled jalapeno, whatever you have on hand)
Salt and Pepper to taste

Nacho Assembly Ingredients
1 grilled chicken breast, diced
Corn tortilla chips
2 tbsp. buffalo wing or hot sauce
1/2 tomato, seeded and diced
Jalapeno, diced (to taste, I use a lot because I love them!)
Diced Onion
Sour Cream
Guacamole (recipe below)

Quick Guacamole 
1 ripe avocado
1/2 lime, juiced
Salt and Pepper to taste
Couple dashes of hot sauce
Diced fresh jalapeno to taste
1 clove of garlic, minced
1 tbsp. minced fresh parsley (or cilantro if you are into that)
1 tsp. pickled jalapeno juice (told you I LOVED jalapenos!!)

To start this craziness of fat and flavor you need to make the cheese sauce. It starts with a basic rue of flour and butter. Combine the flour and butter until melted and light brown. Add the milk and slowly whisk in cheese 1/2 cup at a time. Once the cheese has melted add the jalapeno juice, salt, pepper, and diced jalapeno. Adjust seasoning to your tastes. Allow the cheese to simmer on low while you prep all the ingredients.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. On a foil lined baking sheet (standard for those like me who don't do dishes) spread tortilla chips in a single layer and cover with nacho cheese. Add the diced chicken and drizzle with buffalo or hot sauce. Put in the oven until chips begin to brown and the sauce is bubbly. 

Hellooooo gorgeous! Once the nachos are bubbly and ready to eat top with whatever your little heart desires. I use lettuce, tomato, onion, and jalapeno because that's what I had on hand and what I like on my nachos. Add a dollop of sour cream and guacamole (and probably some extra on the side). Also delicious with Chipotle Salsa to spice it up even more.  Now to what matters...the fat kid pics.

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