Thursday, May 31, 2012

Herb and Jalapeno Split Chicken Breasts

Woah what a week!! Alliterations aside...oops I did it again. I am straight up exhausted and I'm pretty sure I won an all time eating contest with myself last night (damn tacos and queso)! After my first full time week back at preschool with my new class of three year olds (dear lord HELP ME!) and trying to fit in work outs I feel like I have been dragged through the mud, beat up, and deprived of sleep and nutrients...none of which actually happened. Back to business. I did a lot of cooking at the beginning of the week so I'm playing catch up right now. This chicken is so tasty and such a great value. It was on sale for $0.99 per pound so I got 3 HUGE split chicken breasts for less than 3 dollars! There is such a difference with a split chicken breast and a boneless skinless. Split chicken (or chicken on the bone) takes more time to cook but has so much more flavor! It's also usually cheaper because of the bone, making it more intimidating. I only cooked one and it had so much meat that I was able to shred it from the bone and save for chicken enchiladas I am making tomorrow. If you have never ventured into chicken on the bone you must try! It can be done so many ways, on the grill or in the oven. Basically throw in on the heat and walk away until it's done. I started by grilling the chicken but halfway through I ran out of propane (of course!!) so I finished in the oven. Either way it's delicious, moist, and full of whatever flavors you infuse it with. You will not look at chicken the same way.

1 split chicken breast (just under 1 lb.)
1 tbsp. butter
Juice of 1/2 a lemon (or lime)
1/2 tsp. minced garlic
1 tsp. (each) fresh minced basil, lemon thyme, and parsley (this is what I have in my garden so use whatever you have on hand)
1/4 of a jalapeno, finely diced (remove seeds if you don't like it hot)
Salt & Pepper to taste

Combine the butter, lemon juice, garlic, and herbs in a bowl. Season the chicken breast on both sides with salt and pepper.

Gently pull the skin of the chicken up and slide the knife against the breast to loosen the skin (but NOT remove it). 

Take the butter and herb mixture and rub into the pocket under the skin. 

Heat the grill to high (or the oven to 400 degrees). Once the grill is preheated lower to medium high and place skin side up.

Grill for about 25 minutes and flip over. I like to cook mainly skin side up to avoid grill flare ups so I just turn for long enough to cook the fat in the skin. If you are using the oven you don't need to flip. It's going to take about 45 minutes to cook through. I use a meat thermometer to check (looking for about 160 degrees) or cut it open and make sure there is no pink.

Wawawooie (as B would say)! The herbs and jalapeno give the chicken a spicy and juicy flavor that speaks for itself. Here's all the chicken I was able to shred from the leftovers. Stay tuned for chicken enchiladas (Friday!?).

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