Sunday, July 8, 2012

Crab Quesadilla

Go make yourself a dang quesadilla!! I am apologizing in advance for the crab extravaganza that is about to happen on the blog but it was on sale this week and who doesn't love crab! I will try to space out the recipes to not overload you. Quesadillas are just about the easiest thing to make so this isn't really a recipe, just a throw together using more or less of what you like. Back in my waiting tables days we had this on the menu and I used to eat it a lot after (or during) my shifts. I think they may have used crab dip as the filler though instead of just the meat. You really need to use REAL crab meat, not "krab". It's just not the same and it's very noticeable when there are only a few ingredients. Since I haven't been able to steam and pick any crabs yet this summer this will hold over my craving, with a lot less work. Don't forget the Old Bay!!!

1 whole wheat tortilla (for a larger quesadilla use 2)
Pepperjack cheese
Cheddar cheese
1-2 serrano peppers, seeded and chopped (or use a jalapeno)
1/4 tomato, seeded and diced
1/4 cup crab meat (I used a mixture of backfin and lump because that's what was on sale. Lump is the very best of the best but use what works for your budget. I also use a hefty amount so adjust as you see fit.)
1 tbsp. Old Bay seasoning

Heat a grill pan over medium heat. You could also use a skillet or the oven. Start by topping half the tortilla with a layer of pepperjack cheese and cheddar cheese. Top with peppers and tomatoes.

Add a layer of crab to cover the cheese. There's never enough crab. Be sure to check the crab for pieces of shell.

Sprinkle liberally with Old Bay seasoning.

Add some extra cheese and peppers to the other side of the tortilla. This will help the quesadilla stick together. Coat the grill pan with cooking spray and grill the tortilla for 1-2 minutes per side. 

Turn the heat down and place a layer of foil over the pan to melt the cheese. Once you get nice grill marks and the cheese is melted remove from the heat and sprinkle with MORE Old Bay!!! Serve up with sour cream, guacamole, or salsa. Or all of the above!

I ate this will Skyping with Chin and he was very jealous! He made me hold it up to the camera so he could have a "bite". Love it!

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